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Let's Fly Now

June 3rd, 2023 marks a successful Let's Fly Now event, held at the Brantford Airport (CYFD). This event was hosted by the Maple Leaf Chapter Ninety-Nines.

Let's Fly Now is held to encourage girls and women that are of flying age, or those that are interested in aviation to promote that interest and to start flying! The day included taking each participant on a free Introductory flight, as well as a pre-flight safety-briefing.

"This event was the first Canadian Let's Fly Now event. With 6 pilots and 6 aircraft (One of these being a 99's sister flying in the event), we were able to take a total of 42 excited passengers into the sky! Out of these 42, we had 5 participants sign up for flight training. With the help and support of many volunteers, pilots, and ground crew, this was a very successful Ninety-Nines event, and I am very thankful for everyones assistance." - Cailyx Madensky

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